Monday, April 30, 2007

The Sopranos Singing Sour Note?

(Warning - spoilers)
We’ve been longtime Sopranos fans. When the series started, we didn’t have the satellite dish, so we had to wait for the episodes to come out on DVD. But when they did, we watched to see what everyone was talking about, and indeed, this was groundbreaking television. The stories, the characters, the acting - everything was top-notch.

Now The Sopranos is in its final season, and honestly, I’m bored.

It’s sad to see a fine series ending, but I think its time has come. Recent seasons, with Tony recovering from the gunshot wound inflicted by Uncle Junior, and the plot about homosexuality, seemed disconnected...out of sync with the hard-driving, blood and guts (physical and emotional) drama of seasons past.

Yet loyal fans hung on, holding on to the eternal flame of hope that things would pick up. That maybe there was a reason. That surely the final season would make it all worthwhile.

So far it hasn’t.

Last week’s scenes with Uncle Junior in the rest home, with an Asian fanboy were dull, dull, dull. What purpose is that serving? None that I can see.

We’ve had nonsensical changes to major characters. How did AJ go from angry party boy to wimp-who-falls-for-a-poor-girl-with-a-child? Hearing him propose with the promise of becoming day manager of the pizza parlor to support them nearly made me puke. Frankly I was glad she dumped him.

Tony becoming a gambler who can’t seem to win - come on. And the kid who pooped in the shower...spare me.

We’ll watch till the bitter end, but I fear it IS going to be bitter. I’m hoping there will be a good wrap-up that makes sense of all of it, but I’m worried it’s going to be ba-da-dung.

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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Rosie Leaving The View

Rosie O’Donnell announced that she is leaving the daytime television show, The View.

I didn’t always agree with the things she said, but by God, she had the guts to say them. She started many “celebrity feuds” perhaps the most famous with Donald Trump (who deserved the verbal bitch-slapping she gave him). She pounded the Bush administration hard about the war in Iraq (also well-deserved).

She is a big, outspoken woman who isn’t afraid of controversy. She says things that men who trade in contentious speech have been shouting about on television and talk radio for years.

She is a “bad girl” in a good way, because her reputation is not earned from appearing drunk in public or flashing her genitals at photographers, but because she addresses current events with well-informed opinions.

I will miss her.

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Please visit My Tel-LOVE-vision Squidoo - lots of TV stuff from various sources, all in one place!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

The Riches

This is the greatest new show I have seen in AGES! OMG! You gotta watch it! If you’ve missed any episodes, the opening is a very nice round-up that describes how this family of Irish gypsies, known as “Travelers”, came to be living in a swanky, gated community.

It stars two of my favorites, Eddie Izzard and Minnie driver. They play a couple of American con-artists who take on the identity of a dead couple and move their family to the suburbs to live an "honest" life. Eddie Izzard becomes an attorney by default, and his con-artist skills fit perfectly, as he is able to BS his way through meetings.

Minnie Driver plays his wife, who was recently released from prison, after doing time for a scam-gone-bad. While inside, she became addicted to speed. When she is released, she discovers that her neighbor has prescriptions for little magic pills that give the same effect.

It is a truly magnificent program, showing the similarities between the con life and high-end society. It is warm and touching, and funny as hell. You HAVE to watch it!

FX Network, Mondays at 10 PM EDT

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Please visit My Tel-LOVE-vision Squidoo - lots of TV stuff from various sources, all in one place!