Monday, August 31, 2009

Fox TV to run Twitter comments during reruns

Everyone hates re-runs. They're episodes you've likely already seen, being run out of order because there is no new content to run. But Fox may have just figured out a way to make them more interesting: Twitter.

The television network will be airing old episodes for two of its shows, Fringe and Glee, with Twitter commentary along the bottom of the screen. But no, sadly, not just anyone can tweet anything and have it be on national television, these will be moderated streams. And most of the it will be taken up by the tweets of the two shows' casts and producers, apparently.

During the episodes, the cast members and producers will be watching and tweeting live. Fans be able to see their tweets on the bottom portion of their television screens or can follow along on Twitter itself by checking out the FRINGEonFOX and GLEEonFOX Twitter accounts. Select tweets from fans following along will be put on air.

Source: The Washington Post

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Blogger Euri said...

Is this really true?

7:00 PM  
Blogger Marti said...

Yes, it did happen. Don't know if they'll do it again, many people on Twitter complained that it interfered with them viewing the TV show.

8:21 PM  

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