Thursday, January 18, 2007

Blogging Idol

American Idol has fired up again, like a blast furnace! Ratings through the roof, and plenty of bad, really bad, singers.

First stop was Minneapolis. What can you say when one of the winners is an admitted crack baby? They do love the military folks, even if they’re only so-so singers, they have heart and they’re wearing a uniform, so through they go.

Was Paula drunk? Who knows? Who cares?

There was the Shakira wannabe who was better than the Jewel (who was a guest judge) wannabe.

We have the secretary whose boss paid for her trip and accompanied her there. Nothin’ fishy goin’ on though (snicker)

We have the not very good auditioner who was told to try an Abba song. ABBA??? OMG, my ears are bleeding.

On to Seattle. Ugh.

They brought many of the contestants on the short bus. I’ve never seen so many Downs Syndrome people that weren't on a field trip with their caretakers from the institution. Then there were the giant eyes. Giant crazy eyed people EVERYWHERE. It was like a bad anime come to life. Simon even said one of them looked like a, “jungle creature with big eyes - a bushbaby”.

Then there’s the poor chubby girl with a bad bleach job that brought her mother. Eerie resemblance. Hey mom! Buy that child a brassiere! Her nipples are not supposed to be on each side of her belly button!

It was sad and hilarious all at once. I wonder what the public humiliation and cruelty extravaganza is doing to our culture. But I couldn’t turn away. Hey Paula, gimme a sip of whatever you’re drinkin’!

Thank you for stopping by!
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