Thursday, October 26, 2006

Loony Limbaugh

I live in Mazoorah. I've seen the commercial that Michael J. Fox did in support of stem cell research. I applaud his courage and commitment to a cause he believes in.

Rush Limbaugh had the audacity to say that Michael was “faking it” when he had tremors and shaking during the commercial. Hello? That is what Parkinson’s DOES to the human body!

I’ve often disagreed with Mr. Limbaugh’s opinions, and I thought he was hypocrite to have lambasted drug addicts as “weak” when we learned that he himself was addicted to pain medication.

But to accuse someone who is suffering such a debilitating infirmity, of faking the symptoms, is disgusting and appalling.

Rush, you’re gonna regret that statement (many statements I imagine LOL) when your day of judgement comes. Rush’s faux apology was as disgusting as his original statement. To say he had never seen Mr. Fox show any symptoms of his disease shows not only a callous heart, but an uneducated mind, as Michael J. Fox appeared before Congress and was clearly displaying the symptoms during his testimony.

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