Monday, August 07, 2006

TONIGHT'S PICK: Hells Kitchen

Quick recap from last week’s episode:

Garrett has been eliminated. He is plotting how to murder Gordon Ramsey with a prison shiv.

Blindfold the four remaining chefs. Take them to “secret location” for reward challenge. They stumble out of building. Producer notes to self - next time wait to put on blindfolds in car.

Secret location is 4 roach coaches, errr, catering trucks, parked at a construction site. Construction workers will be the judges.

Zippy the Pinhead...errr, Keith: "Yo."

Bipolar Heather: "This is fabulous, no horrible. I’m perfect, no, awful."

Virginia the Vague: "I am willing to slut it up to win - hey sailor!"

Sassy Sarah: "I always wanted one of these!" Yuh huh. Every aspiring chef’s dream is to sell sandwiches out the window of a greasy aluminum trailer.

Sluttiness succeeds. Virginia wins. Chef announces she is safe from expulsion.

Heather weeps. Keith looks dazed (as usual). Sarah is surly (as usual).

Virginia gets to go on shopping spree with Ramsey. "I want one of these! What’s it called?"

Chef sighs. "A cleaver." Duh.

Return to HK, where remaining 3 have been bustin’ crabs as punishment. Virginia, who got to spend a thousand dollars, gives the others their 98-cent gifts. To her astonishment, they are not thrilled.

At dinner preparation, Heather looks like she snorted a pile of cocaine. She runs from station to station frantically. Keith is a machine, turning out appetizers in factory fashion. Sarah is slammin’ salmon, but not fast enough. Makes excuses, sets something on fire - same ol’ same ol’.

Chef Ramsay: "You stupid f#&!%!"

Sarah sulks. Virginia burns the vegetables. Chef rescinds her exemption. Everyone stops and stares. Dinner is completed. All retire to apartment to alternately smoke, curse, mope and plot.

Lineup. Virginia figures she’s a goner. Much smirking by others. Chef declares he is a man of his word, and is giving V her exemption back. Or not. Chef tells her she can go, or choose to send Sarah home. What oh what, will the jellyfish do?

Virginia: "Of course I don’t wanna go. I wanna stay. You wanna know why? ‘Cause I f***ing want to. (insert foolish giggle) That’s why."

Heather and Keith score 9 in synchronized jaw dropping.

Chef: "Virginia, I respect your decision. Sarah, take off your jacket."

Sarah hands over jacket, gets a kiss from Chef. "Kiss my grits, Chef."

Chef looks confused. Announces for those who can’t count, that they are the final three.




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